Legends of the Fall

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I havent been bloggin’ much and I wont be long winded now either. In July I love to be in the Alps or some Italian small town sippin’ coffee with my bike. In January I look forward to our annual shop trip to Arizona and the ledges and rocks of the Sonoran desert. In September and October; I cannot imagine a better place to be than here in Fruita Colorado. People tell me I should see the fall colors back east and I’m sure they’re right. But the way things shake out here this time of year, I am hard pressed to journey anywhere else. The fall here brings cool nights (almost cold at times) and a very few rain showers that leave us with perfect trail surfaces under 78 degree sunny skies with the warmth of the western sun lighting up every cliff and rock and river view in a way that makes even the 37 year veteran of western Colorado take a second look and say ”wow; it’s great to be here right now”.

So I’m gonna just throw that out and run downstairs and talk to the folks who just walked in from Australia or the guy from London or those folks from the mountains of Colorado. It’s fun to chat and to share the excitment of what they just rode. After that; I’m gonna sneak away to some twisty singletrack and feel the wonder of being on a bike in such a place. I hope that wherever you read this; I hope you get that same chance to feel the wonder of flowing through a wonderful place on such a wonderful trail. Wherever you ride; lift your gaze, notice the fall air and the warm light of the seasonal sun. It’s great to be alive and it’s great to feel the movement on a bike… it’s a great time to be in Fruita, it’s a great time to be alive…

Cheers, I’ll see you on the trail (or in Las Vegas at the Show, or…) Ciao for now
