MTB Season is full on! It's a great time to be back home in Fruita where we are about to delve into the 17th year of Fat Tire fun in this once "unheard of" road side of Fruita Colorado. Crazy how things have changed here; last night I spent my evening in downtown Fruita. Seriously? Yeah, really! and hey, check this out, I saw two live bands; both awesome, I shared abeer at two places and met dozens of cool folks from all over the world. roght here; in the land of awesome!
Seventeen years ago it was all you could do to find a radio station and a burger in this town; now, I saw a town filled with fun loving people sharing the wonder of a singletrack story and a night on the town with MTB friends old and new.
It made me realize; there is no truth in where we came from and no truth in where we think we are going. You cant ride where you've been and you can't control whats coming next. But if you can see yourself 100% in this moment and completley focused on right now and what you want to happen. Yes; what YOU WANT TO HAPPEN is all you need to control and all you need to know. Next step; right now? just live it like it's the truth. Any of us who relish in the technical challenge of MTB skills know this; there is no thought but the place your in right now and the ten feet in front of you. To ride over the edge requires no special skill, just complete presence in this monet and the wilingness to believe that it will go as you envision it happening. It's the truth; if you want to ride something hard? If you see it and own it and know you are going to rdie it and believe in every part of YOU that you will ride it and refuse to question or FEAR or doubt? You will ride it and you WILL suceed.
I know; I once envisioned a mountain bike town where there was only lamentation and vacant store fronts; not knowing we couldnt became the power of what became.
Just do! There is no try and there is no tomorow and there sure as hell is nothing you can do about the past. Square your shoulders; stand up in all your power and glory and let it roll. I'll see you in Fruita – Fat Tire starts Thursday eve!
(Hurricane / Sedona late May or Melrose in June – come ride with me)
Troy rarick
founder – Over the Edge Sports