It’s been a long time since my tires rolled along in the dusty singletracks of Fruita – Grand Junction. It was just after Turkey Day 2009 that the snow came and came in earnest for what proved to be one of the longest winters on record in our high desert world. In January after almost 2 months of stasis we closed the shop and headed to Sedona for our much awaited Staff Retreat and some riding in dirt while home was dressed in white. We joked while we rode our legs off in the Arizona sun; "it wont be long now, we will be back on dirt in Fruita…" returing home with some renewed fitness and optimism, we settled in for another two months of winter. Now let me tell you; I’ve only lived in western Colorado for… hmmmmm… I dont even want to say it aloud; maybe 39 years? I have NEVER seen a winter last with such sincerity as this one has. But; lets move on and let that be behind us. If there is a life philospohy hidden in this scribble, its that, some times we face CRAP in life and deep winters upon our souls; Spring will come and when it does, get the bike out and get your head straight… move forward and Move On!
So here we are, looking at 70 degrees all week ahead of us as March stomps off into April and our usual full fitness is in a state of 3 week old legs just waking up from a long winters nap. But awakening we are and I can feel the energy in the air as all of us who LOVE SINGLETRACK are rallying around a battle cry of "Lets Ride" and leave the memory of snow behind us. As I rode today I saw a few remnant patches of white hidding in the bushes; I mocked them, "hey look SNOW. shall we turn back?" hey it was fun, I needed to vent.
So lets ride! Its gonna be a great year; we have seen the excitement and I want to Thank You all SO MUCH who have shown that excitement in retail support of our business. Thanks! We needed it; I sucked it up and put the pain froma weak 2009 behind me and decided to fight tooth and nail to keep what I believe to be AWESOME STAFF people employed through a winter if very little coming in and way too much going out. I appreciate your support, its helping dig out of that remaining "drift" that seems to be slowly melting off our bank account, but we’re rolling now. Lets roll! Its time to ride!
Thank You for riding with us; Thanks for your support and Thanks for 15 years behind us as we roll out the Sweet Sixteenth Year of Over the Edge Sports and the amazing saga of Fruita Singletrack
Thanks for being friends
Look me up as you come ride – rememebr; Fruita Fat Tire, April 29-May 2, 2010