Sometimes ya just gotta let it rain

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It rained here all night, darn near, and was still dripping into the AM hours. Made for some sad folks as their ride trips were called short or at least interupted. As I write that it makes me a bit sad to know that some packed up and left even though now its sunny and the most awesome day outside. But, its what happens when it rains.

As any of you know if you read my stuff here that I love the life metaphor as they so often rlate to our outdoor passions. Its pretty obvious on this one as we all know that the rainy days of our lives all too often cause us to pack up in our heads and "go home", we arent really too much for durability sometimes, believe me, I know! I can hear one bit of news from my inner circle and get all tossed into a tail spin of concern or depression it seems. Heck a rainy day in Fruita used to crush my world and if I hadnt ridden 5 days already this week I might be much less likely to be writing this right now thats for sure. But on the flip side of our panioc when things seem to be going awry; its these days that will in the next 2 weeks, be the basis for the perfect trails, the blooming catus and the sweet green grass that we enjoy for a brief few weeks each year. Im sure its the same with the rain that befalls me and you as people; hey I would have never opened Over the Edge if not for the falling out of another opportunity that seemed like such a huge burden at the time. I would not have met half the greatest people I know if I werent diverted in some life plan and ended up in a siutation or place that I thought was an utter disaster. I would have never walked the steps in my life that I have so wonderfully enjoyed if it werent for some descisions, speedy driving, a patch of gravel and a tree that almost ended my life some 3 years ago. I cannot imagine my life wihtout the rainy days and let me tell ya; I’ve seen some storms, for that I am grateful. Without the events, no matter how frieghtening or hopeless at the moment, that have shaped my life; I would not be who I am… and I am quite grateful for who I am and the life that I live…

…even on the rainy days…