Rollin’ It

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Hello Folks, posting form the clearing dust of a week or 3 of the mayhem of the Fruita Fat Tire Festival and the 18 Hours of Fruita just last weekend. Life is great and I am feeling strong and satisfied over 2 wonderful events, 3 great weeks and several hundred really cool peopl whom I have the p[leasure of dealing with. Mountain Bike people; some of the best sampling fo the human race I can think iof anywhere… and yes, thats getting harder and harder to find.

So I have posted from many places in dire straights and in deep chit and in moments of wisdom and the sharing of life experience. I often try to roll mountain biking and life metaphor into one clever twist in a post. This time its seemingly too obvious; sometimes youa re just rolling along… this is one of those times

I was riding with Jason on the pre-lap of the course on Friday and we found ourselves in this mellow pace and turning a semi fast 36 minute lap. The interesting thing about this lap was how we were having conversations about the wildest real life stuff as we are rolling along through the desert at an average speed of 15 MPH. A couple times it startled me and I tried to focus more on the riding; those times I was slowing ouor pace, but when I would relax and just let my body ride the bike and focus my mind on our cool chatting? We would roll along at warp speeds leaning into corners… talking about frame design… flipping back to the other side to tuck around that berm, then the bush, then discussing plans for the summer seasona nd going to Sante Fe or not… it is certainly a huge life lesson there. Sometimes we over focus and over manage and worry about eveything that might be or might not be or whatever. Truth is; your soul knows how to life a life and knows how to be happy and its just like my feelign of relaxing and letting my bike handling take over and just rolling along. Sometimes life requires the same; you cant control things better, we just freak ourselves out trying. Let LIFE Roll! Let your spirit guide your life and stop worrying about micro managing yourself; your fine, just relax and let instinct take over

Just rolling along…

Just yesterday I was riding again with Matt Ryan; I nearly ate lunch off this little roller jump; but I was loosing asome air in the rear (tubeless – still not a convert) and as I landed I totally rolled the tire and did a massive squirl evasion maneaver in the 10" track of the north fruita desert. But again; I did NOT touch the brakes, I kept driving and let that panic mode "anti crash controls etting" do tis thing and the bike eventually ended up still under me and me still rolling down the trail. If I had even touched the brakes and tried to "gain control" I would still be picking dirt and cactus out of my various regions. But no, I let it roll and despite a tense moment, it all worked out to be a great tale to tell for us both. Just letting it roll and letting your internal guidance sort it out.

I’m psyched to be back on the bike and back in life, sweetly and stylishly rolling along

I’ll see ya out there; keep it loose and let it roll!

Troy –