Yeah, its been a while; I havent ridden since I was in Sedona witht he OTE staff a full month ago and thena gain a month before that. It has been the worst winter for us and snow in some decades. My hope is to be able to do a loop of the fruita bike path system soon, all 4 miles of it…
I havent been bloggin or writing much at all since mom always said; "if you aint got nothin nioce to say doent say anything at all" well… I am not really a ski bum and thus I have just been bummed. It has been the longest off dirt stretch since the dawn of fruita mountain biking soem 16 seasons ago, arrggghhhh! But this true winter will make for sime sweet and narrow track come the day we can get back and re-define it, I suspect that is coming soon. Please help spread the word and spread the LOVE; we dont want people wandering around in the mud and snow thinking they’re riding a trail when really they are turning a good trail into a rutted and un-designed mess… it will be so much better to wait and get some fresh tracks on the real trail and start packing in those SWEETHEART lines we have known and loved for a decade plus, soon…
But it will not be long before this snow and mud give way to some really fresh trail and some wonderful new feelings as we roll along under the colorado sunshine. I hope we can share in your spring thaw and maybe even help you plan out your next adventure, let us know how we can help. I’ll try to get my attitude ready for some much better days and I’ll keep ya posted on the conditions. for now, we fotta wait, or make an utter mess of some really SWEET Trails. Soon… I know.. Soon