Home… I know… where is that exactly? Well, I do know that I miss Fruita Colorado a little bit and the places that I call home for most of the year. I have some friends there and some trails I havent even ridden yet this year and I’m ready to get back. I have been on the road for 7 of the past 12 weeks; Thank You very much, cuz do love it, But I am ready to be in somehwere where I have an adress for a while. I’ll be flyin’ home from Sydney in a few hours and I will be in Colorado by Wednesday eve. I will be ridin’ in Fruita this weekend; anyone want to go?
Cheers and Thanks to all my MTB family down here and all the wonderful kindness and support end generosity that we have been shown while we were down under for some 3 weeks. I cant wait to be back and I assume you will certianly let me know if your anywhere near an Over the Edge in the USA. I got a secret or two for you… Thank You and we’ll see ya next trip; one way or the other.
Ciao and Thanks for being a part of my amazing life, all of you, on either end of the world or anywhere in the middle
Thanks… Cheers… Ciao